NIH/NCI (1R01NS105087)
Contributions of IDH1 mutation to alternative lengthening of telomeres in lower-grade glioma. This is a proposal to study how mutant IDH1 helps regulate telomere biology in lower-grade glioma.
NIH/NCI (P01 CA118816)
Imaging and Tissue Biomarkers in the Treatment of Brain Tumors: Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI Monitoring of Pyruvate Metabolism to Assess Drug Action. This is a project in a P01 program to develop magnetic resonance imaging techniques to follow pyruvate metabolism as a marker of drug action in glioma.
The Loglio Collective
IDH-Based Therapeutics: This is a privately-funded project to develop new therapies for lower-grade glioma based on alterations induced by mutant IDH1 expression.
UCSF Brain Tumor SPORE (P50 097257)
Career Development and Developmental Research Programs: This mechanism funds six Career Development and Developmental Research awards to individuals pursuing translational brain tumor research.
NIH/NCI (R01 CA172845)
Metabolic Reprogramming in Brain Tumors: This is a project to determine how mutant IDH1 expression alters metabolism in lower-grade glioma and how these events may be used as biomarkers of drug action.